Operation Z.U.I.V.E.R. in Emerce

Together with the municipality Hollands Kroon, we developed Operation Z.U.I.V.E.R. app last year. The app was featured in Emerce with an interview of Han van Egmond, core manager of the municipality of Holland Kroon.
Game-app contributes to reducing litter in Hollands Kroon.
Operatie Z.U.I.V.E.R. is nice for all the residents of the municipality of Hollands Kroon, but focuses primarily on the students of the lower- and middle school. Students can only play alone or together with their class. With the app schools can play against each other, this way the students are being actively involved with cleaning Hollands Kroon and are being informed about sustainability and the environment in a playful way. Operation Z.U.I.V.E.R. is since October 2021 live: in the first week over more than 6.000 pieces of garbage got cleaned up, with an average of 7.2 pieces of garbage per player.
“The game is meant to make the youth aware of the litter”, said Han van Egmond, core manager of the municipality of Hollands Kroon. “DTT has surprised us greatly with the development of this app, Operation ZUIVER. The game is just like Pokèmon Go, playing with Augmented Reality in a public space. The game is educational, you can play individually or with groups against each other. We think it is a big contribution to the awareness of litter amongst the youth.”
Emerce is a platform for decision makers who operate on the surface of digital marketing, media and business. The Emerce website reaches more than 350.000 visitors on a monthly basis. The full article (in Dutch) about Operation Z.U.I.V.E.R. is available here: Game-app draagt bij aan vermindering zwerfafval in Hollands Kroon.