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About DTT

From a student room in 2010 to a full-service digital agency in the heart of Amsterdam. Our story is one of those. A story we are very proud of.

We - the over 50 enthusiastic strategists, designers, developers and testers - who work together daily on the most beautiful projects. And we have been doing this for small and large clients - from independent entrepreneurs, startups, the public sector and SMEs, to multinationals like Randstad and nonprofits like Greenpeace.

Clients with diverse objectives, target groups and resources, challenging us time and again to develop a suitable digital solution. As a team, this makes us rich in experience, flexible and enormously versatile. And that is precisely where our strength lies.


  • Driven: As a team, we are genuinely committed to our clients and their goals. From the first brainstorming session, the strategy, the development and implementation of the solution, right through to ongoing support.
  • Accessible: We make the digital world as accessible as the solutions we develop. We gladly take clients through the development process and we enter their interesting (working) territory with just as much enthusiasm.
  • Results-oriented: All decisions within the design and development process are based on a data-driven strategy. With tangible insights, we help clients achieve maximum results. Again and again.
About DTT

Getting the most out of digital solutions together with clients

In a world where everything seems possible, it is easy to lose sight of what really matters. We therefore find it important to be actively involved in our clients' objectives from the start - and to remain so. As a developer and as a strategic partner.

We welcome progressive ideas, after which we make them realistic, achievable and concrete. We develop effective solutions, help implement them and provide ongoing support to involve the target group and get the most out of the solution.

As a versatile team, we can truly embrace digital transformation

From informing, convincing, improving, transforming to innovating. With a digital world full of possibilities, as a versatile team we know exactly which tools, techniques and trends are best deployed for our clients' various objectives.

We share insights and experiences, join forces and integrate our skills to arrive at an effective digital solution. Always in close cooperation with the client. Because only together do we achieve the very best result. Doing Things Together.


About DTT

A team you can
count on

Our team is ready for you. We are happy to meet you digitally here, and hopefully soon in real life at our agency in Amsterdam.

Meet our team
DTT team

Unleash your unique talent at DTT

Most of us have been working at DTT for years. This is not only because of the beautiful location near Amsterdam Central Station, but mainly because of the diverse projects, the development opportunities, the close-knit team and our passion.

DTT looks beyond education and work experience; for us it's all about your skills, talent, personality and motivation. As a colleague, you get plenty of opportunities to develop yourself and take training courses - fully tailored to your own wishes and ambitions.

Because of the different projects at DTT, no day is ever the same. You develop continuously and learn everything about the different industries, their challenges and strategies. As helpful colleagues, we are always there for each other. We like to share our knowledge and insights to help others move forward.

About DTT - vacancies

Talk with our digital experts Talk with our digital experts

Call 020 331 5848

Request a quotation

Do you have a plan to develop an app, web or game solution? Then please fill in the form for an offer or cost indication. We will get in touch with you shortly.

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Would you like to meet the specialists of DTT? DTT is located at Sint Nicolaasstraat 9 Amsterdam. Fill in the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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In a hurry? Give us a call +3120 331 5848

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