Kickstart Day: from idea to action | DTT
Mon. till Fri. 9:00 - 18:00
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Kickstart Day: from idea to action

Are you playing with an idea for an app, website or game? With our Kickstart Day, we help you move forward in one day: from a good idea to a clear plan.

You will spend a whole day working with DTT's digital experts: designers, developers and strategists. We welcome ideas, then make them feasible and concrete. Together we turn your idea into a realistic concept, with subsequent advice on the revenue model, strategy and development technique. From the target group to the user experience: all aspects of digital development are covered. This gives you a clear picture of the opportunities and considerations involved in a digital development project.

We follow up the Kickstart Day with an accessible plan of action, tailored to your concept. This includes a clear roadmap and an indication of costs and timelines. A strong preparation, ready for the next step.

What the Kickstart Day looks like, you can read on this page. Feel free to contact us for an informal meeting.

We are happy to help you with a consultation

Kickstart Day: from idea to action

With the DTT Kickstart Day…

Kickstart Day: from idea to action

Together we turn your idea into a concrete and realistic plan of action, tailored to your situation

Kickstart Day: from idea to action

Consult with digital experts on a connecting revenue model, development technique, strategy and more

Kickstart Day: from idea to action

Get a clear picture of the development process, with valuable insight into pitfalls and opportunities for your situation

Kickstart Day: from idea to action

Receive a clear roadmap with indication of costs and timelines: a strong start for the development process


Want to know how we can take your project forward?

Joost is happy to help you

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This is what the Kickstart Day looks like

Kickstart Day: from idea to action
Kickstart Day: from idea to action

09:00 / 09:30 — Introduction and kickoff

We start with an introduction and a brief explanation of the day's program. DTT will be joined by experts who fit your idea and situation: designers, developers and strategists. We will tell you briefly about who we are and our experience, and we would like to hear about your background and the reason for this. Of course, from your side, everyone is welcome at the Kickstart Day: every perspective can offer valuable input.

Kickstart Day: from idea to action
Kickstart Day: from idea to action

09:30 / 12:00 — Concept and target audience

Together we zoom in on the core of the idea. In an open atmosphere, we ask questions, challenge and inspire with relevant examples. What do we want to achieve, and who exactly is the target audience?

We formulate a clear objective and transform the idea into a first concept. Here we already make a first distinction between the "must haves" (the parts that contribute directly to the objective) and the "nice to haves" (enrichments that can make the solution even more beautiful, fun or interesting).

Thus, we arrive at a first MVP elaboration: a Minimum Viable Product. An effective design in which we focus first on the functionalities that contribute directly to achieving the objectives.

Between 12:00 / 13:00 we will provide lunch. A nice time to get to know each other better. Any dietary needs or allergies? Please feel free to let us know.

Kickstart Day: from idea to action
Kickstart Day: from idea to action

13:00 / 14:30 — Revenue model and strategy

We arrive at a feasible concept and a digital strategy that focuses on measurable objectives. With a 'data-driven' method of working, we cleverly put facts and figures at the basis of decision-making, ensuring that resources are deployed where they are worth the most. In doing so, we avoid assumptions and carefully manage available budgets.

The revenue model will play an important role in this strategy. Whether you already have a revenue model, or are starting from scratch: there are many possibilities within digital revenue models. Together, we zoom in on a revenue model that fits the concept and matches the expectations of the target audience. By providing our digital strategy with an appropriate revenue model, we make it extra profitable: that provides certainty and direction.

Kickstart Day: from idea to action
Kickstart Day: from idea to action

14:30 / 16:00 — Development technique and collaboration

Digital solutions can be created in all kinds of ways. With native techniques, hybrid and web frameworks, or even game engines. The pros and cons within these options quickly become a technical story. For each concept, we share a custom recommendation for the appropriate development technique(s). In doing so, we include all sorts of things, such as the solution's objective and target audience, desired platforms, intended lifespan, budget and timelines. Within the Kickstart Day, we provide a clear explanation of the pros and cons of the various options and offer an initial recommendation for an appropriate technique.

We also outline a clear picture of what the development process will look like. From the opportunities within an agile collaboration to the pitfalls and risks you have to take into account, all tailored to your situation and concept. This gives you a clear picture of a collaboration towards a successful launch.

Kickstart Day: from idea to action
Kickstart Day: from idea to action

16:00 / 17:00 — Roadmap and follow-up

With a clear picture of the concept, strategy, revenue model, development techniques and collaboration, we summarize everything one more time in comprehensive roadmap. This gives you a clear view on the next steps.

After the Kickstart Day you will receive a complete plan of action, in which all insights are described once more in an accessible way. Within this plan of approach we also provide you with an indication of the costs and timelines. This gives you a strong preparation for the development process: ready for the next step.


Talk with our digital experts Talk with our digital experts

Call 020 331 5848

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Do you have a plan to develop an app, web or game solution? Then please fill in the form for an offer or cost indication. We will get in touch with you shortly.

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DTT is a full service digital agency

From consulting and code reviews, to strategy, launch and marketing. With our broad digital services we like to help you strengthen your concept or solution.


Talk with our digital experts Talk with our digital experts

Call 020 331 5848

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Do you have a plan to develop an app, web or game solution? Then please fill in the form for an offer or cost indication. We will get in touch with you shortly.

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Would you like to meet the specialists of DTT? DTT is located at Sint Nicolaasstraat 9 Amsterdam. Fill in the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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