Eva Ivanova | Online Marketing Internship

''My internship at DTT was an enriching experience that helped me develop my professional self in unexpected ways. I started as online marketing intern and end up getting a contract for the position of Quality Assurance Analyst. Let me tell you a bit about how all that went down. As a growing start-up DTT is never a boring place. You are given real responsibility and get to work on multiple diverse projects. There is always a new project around the corner and ambition is always appreciated. So one Tuesday after enjoying the great Indonesian rice table, I was approached to test a few apps. The next day I asked if I could help testing again. I liked testing so much that the rest is basically history. In this way DTT supports finding out your passion.
I was and still am often in awe by the diversity of interns. Students come from near and far for this opportunity. Hands down, the absolute best part of having an internship at DTT is being thrown in the real field and of course networking. Not only do you meet young professionals, but you meet individuals who will likely work in that field in the future. Today I get to call many of them my colleagues.''