Testimonial Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier

Commissioned by the Dutch Noorderkwartier Water Board, DTT developed the HHNK Clean Water game. We proudly present this testimonial as a result of a pleasant collaboration.
H2: "The creative and approachable employees of DTT and their quick action during the development process have positively surprised us!"
The HHNK is a Dutch water authority and every day the HHNK strives to protect our land against water, floods, water shortages, and provide clean and healthy surface water and safe waterways. As part of an awareness campaign, the HHNK Clean Water game has already successfully been launched on the Facebook Instant Games platform, where it has attracted more than six thousand players to date. Together these players have played the game over 15,000 times, managed to keep more than half a million pieces of rubbish out of the toilet and the game has been shared more than 2,000 times.
We would like to share the positive testimonial of Marieke Duijn, communication advisor at HHNK:
"We wanted to develop an online game that would make people more familiar with the work of the water board and what residents can do themselves for clean surface water. With facts about water so that it is not only fun, but you can also learn something while you’re playing the game. DTT has helped us a lot in the search for what eventually became the HHNK Clean Water game. A fun competitive and informative game. The creative and approachable employees of DTT and their quick actions during the development process have positively surprised us!"
Curious about other references from satisfied clients? Take a look at our testimonial page.