Sexual education meets geocaching gaming
Explore your new university town along with sex education. That is the goal of the creators of the Hoes geocaching game. Being a student can be accompanied with some risks. Sexually transmitted risks for example ... Say what?
The theme: "Make yourself healthy (live)"
Starting a student life is always very exciting and new. Take for example the contact with the opposite sex. It is very nice and pleasant of course, but one should know that it is not all joy and freedom. Because forewarned is forearmed, the four students of the HU introduced the Hoes concept to the city. With success.
Quest mapping concept
With a good story, the student is guided through the app and the city of Utrecht, looking for quests at various locations. Quests are fun and educational games based on GPS data. A quest can be opened when the user is within a maximum radius of 50 meters. Users are enticed with games to a tour through the city as a result. Extra fun for newcomers to the city!
More news from DTT
DTT complements its summer vacation with the development of many magnificent projects.
We are now busy with Hoes geocaching game, Aslan musicschool app, iProvèn e-Health app and the Fruitbuit app for RIVM.
Success stories of the Hoes geocaching game:
De Utrechtse Internet Courant: Leer meer over seksualiteit door soa’s vangen
Algemeen Dagblad: Nieuwe app: soa's zoeken in Utrecht
PowNed: Nieuwe app geeft u soa's
Nationale Zorggids: Campagne laat studenten nadenken en praten over veilige seks
FunX: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
RTV Utrecht: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
Hoogeschool Utrecht: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
Emerce: Geen Pokémon vangen, maar SOA’s
DTT blog: now live in the app stores: Hoes geocaching game