NOS advises: spot ticks with this app

Spring is here, so ticks are too. Do you know how to prevent or cure a tick bite? Be well informed with the RIVM tick bite app.
Prevention is better than cure
True. Thats why the 'Tick radar' is a popular functionality of this educational app. Its even mentioned in the Dutch NOS broadcast (Arnold van Vliet, April 2nd 2016): "With the tick radar its easy to see what the tick activeness expectation is, up to ten days from now." So convenient!
It 'takes' two
Obviously we are quite big fans of this app ourselfs. But more important: what does the target group (hitchhikers, tree lovers, nature addicts) think? We will share a couple of the reviews with you.
Pim Roos, 20th of August 2015 ★★★★
Nice app with lots of information. Super convenient when you're outside for e.g. sports or camping.
Rick Beekman, 17th of Juli 2015 ★★★★
Informative! I live close to the woods and I go here regularly to walk my dog. This is useful information for me.
We also prouldy say "Hello" to our 4.000 (!) new users after the NOS broadcast. Missed it (and understand Dutch)? Check it out below.
Success stories of the Tick Bite Awareness app:
GGD AppStore: Tekenbeet
Lyme Centrum Apeldoorn: Voorlichting
Travel Health Clinic: Een teek? Pak hem beet!
Margriet: Zo verklein je de kans op een tekenbeet De week van de teek dit jaar van 11 tot en met 17 april
KidsErOpUit: 17 onmisbare apps voor tijdens je vakantie met kinderen
Campingtrend: Gratis RIVM Tekenbeet app
iCulture: Overheid brengt Tekenbeet-app uit met tekenradar
SmartHealth: eHealth in de zomer: tekenbeten
DroidApp: Tekenbeet: uitgebreide app met informatie, dagboek en tekenradar
Frankwatching: Tekenbeet-app: Wat te doen bij een tekenbeet?
RIVM: RIVM start Week van de Teek met lancering app Tekenbeet
De Telegraaf: Gratis teken-app Week van de teek, ziekte van lyme en de zorgverzekering
Nationale Zorggids: RIVM 'Week van de Teek' start 7 april
Gezondheidsplein: RIVM start Week van de Teek
NOS: Naar buiten? Pas op, ook teken hebben lentekriebels
Adformatie: Week van de Teek in teken van de tekenapp
Online onderdelenshop: Krijgt teken uit uw kleding met de wasmachines of wasdroger
DTT blog: Pearls of media coverage
DTT blog: Six top scores from DTT in the spotlight
DTT blog: NOS advises: spot ticks with this app
DTT blog: DTT apps rank well in the app stores
DTT blog: DTT aanwezig op RIVM Innovatiedag
DTT blog: Tick bite app nominated for accenture innovation awards
DTT blog: Tick bite app on
DTT blog: Tick bite app number 1 position in the app store
DTT blog: De Volkskrant: "Tick bite app, app of the week"
DTT blog: RIVM Tickbite for iPhone
DTT blog: RIVM Tick bite app on Android
DTT blog: Sending press release about the app is fruitfull