iModels beta live in App Store

The iModels concept is a combination of Instagram and Holland Next Top Model. Models can create thier profile page and get great deals from agencies.
iModels in iTunes
During last months DTT team has worked hard and achieved good results. The beta version is now live in iTunes. Curious about the development? Or do you think you have the qualities to be a model?
iWant more information
Sounds good? All information about the iModels appconcept can be found on the website. In addition to the app and the website DTT has also developed a CMS with models database for modeling agencies.
Success stories about iModels app
Emerce: Holland’s Next Top Model in een app
Fonk: iModels: het eerste online sociale modellennetwerk
The Beautyblog NL: Creeër jouw eigen online modellen portfolio met iModels
Beauty unboxing: iModels – de app voor jouw online portfolio!
Girlscene: Dit is de app die ieder meisje op haar telefoon wil hebben
Youtube: iModels - Jouw modellen portfolio App!
Fashionscene: WIN! Wordt ontdekt op iModels - jouw modellen portfolio app
Damespraatjes: 5 Tips als jouw kind graag modellenwerk wil doen
DTT Blog: iModels beta live in appstore
DTT Blog: Explore and admire iModels app