Extended due to success: MediaMasters '22

Broken records in 2021
Last year we developed the updated version of the MediaMasters serious game. During Media Literacy Week, students gained knowledge about media-friendly topics such as WhatsApp, privacy, online bullying, fake news, gaming and more. Classrooms could collect bits (points) by completing MediaMissions and answering media quizzes. In addition, students could play additional games at home to earn even more bits.
Several records were broken during the 2021 edition, with a record number of >160,000 students from grades 7 and 8 participating. The classroom assignments were played over 27,000 times, with a total of over 3,000,000 questions answered and 45,000,000 bits earned.
Media Literacy Week 2022
This year, the national MediaMasters competition will take place from November 3 to 11, 2022. During the Media Literacy Week, schools in the Netherlands will compete for the title of 'most media literate class in the Netherlands'. Schools can already register through the Mediamasters website. We are looking forward to it and hope for new records in 2022.