Doula labor coach app: received with open arms worldwide

Maybe you have already heard of the Doula labor coach app. It is very dear to us. The Doula app is a digital labor coach where a professional midwife/Doula, supports pregnant women worldwide by breathing and coaching.
Good news travel fast
The Doula app is extented in 2016. The app is now available for both Android and iOS. We have made five steps towards our goal: to offer a personal Doula for women worldwide. Five native speakers, who are also midwifes or doulas, recorded coaching in new languages. As a result of that, now more than half of all women in the world can get support during contractions with their smartphone.
Proven global reach
A big part of the world can enjoy our Doula app in six languages. Doula is downloaded in at least 125 (!) counties. Top positions go to the Netherlands and Turkey. Check it out yourself!