Doula goes French & Russian
Our literal and figurative baby (app), Doula Labor Coach app, has received an update. We added two extra languages and nice features for all future mothers.
Le bébé & Малыш
Wait what? One can still translate "Le bébé" with bits and pieces of the high school French. The second word "Малыш" also means baby in Russian. And yes, you are right, our Doula app is available in French and Russian also. This way we get closer to our goal: supporting women during childbirth worldwide. Up to now, the labor coach app has been downloaded and used in more than 125 (!) Countries. With this expansion we aim to get to the 150. Fast achievemnt isn't it?
Features for mommies to be
We constantly work on improving the app. Delivering a baby is already a huge challenge, we don't want our app to be another difficulty. Complementary to adding 2 extra languages, we've updated the app with additional background music options and reduced the size of the app. How it will benefit the users? Downloading the Doula app will take up less time and it will comprise much less space on your phone than in the previous version. This gives users more space for, inter alia, photos of their newborn little miracle.
The new update is already available in iTunes. Android is still underway, but we will try to make it as soon as possible. #promise