Coming soon: Fly Me To The Stars (VR) | DTT
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Coming soon: Fly Me To The Stars (VR)


Coming soon: Fly Me To The Stars (VR)

Venture through space and discover new planets using Virtual Reality? It’s possible, the Fly Me To The Stars app will be available soon for iOS and Android. The Fly Me To The Stars app is made with the cross-platform game engine Unity. Unity provides the app with the sharpest renders, animations and 3D-models.

Discover the universe with Virtual Reality

In Fly Me To The Stars you get the chance to discover the solar system using Virtual Reality. The goal is to link as many constellations and unlock new planets. The player gets a limited amount of lines to connect the stars to each other. After successfully connecting constellations, you will unlock new planets, which on their turn can be explored for nice rewards.

On the OSR website you can purchase stars which you can view in the app. Afterwards you can personalize the purchased stars based on colour, brightness and mass. These custom preferences can also be unlocked by playing the game.

Are you ready for your first walk on the moon? The Fly Me To The Stars app will be available soon on iOS and Android.



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