Smart Logistics | Digital Agency DTT
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Smart Logistics

To reach and enthuse aspiring MBO students for logistics MBO courses, we developed the Smart Logistics serious game in collaboration with ROC Tilburg and Midpoint Brabant. The game uses Augmented Reality (AR) and gives young people a playful insight into the challenges of logistics and the contribution logistics makes to today's society. 

The Smart Logistics game covers the different processes of the global flow of goods: transportation, receiving, shipping. In various scenarios, the player gains more insight into the dynamics and challenges of working in logistics, the responsibility you have when handling high-value and vulnerable products (such as iPhones, Playstations, flowers and bananas) and the contribution you make as part of the chain to the customer and society. 

The game is deployed by ROC Tilburg during open days for logistics courses. In addition, pre-vocational secondary educationstudents can play the game in class.

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The home screen of the Smart Logistics game. From here the player can start a game, check the open days or learn more about ROC Tilburg.

Choose a scenario

Users choose which scenario they want to play.

Start a mission

The users can start a mission here.


By playing the game, the user learns about the challenges of logistics.

Game over

The player can try again.


After the game, the user receives a report and score.

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