iPhone – Android – API - CMS
iPhone – Android – API - CMS
The Tick bite app informs users about the tick bites dangers and Lyme disease. The app offers several functionalities to prevent tick bites and associated risks. The app shows the activity level of the nymph stage of the tick and makes a ten-day forecast of it. Users can activate push notifications and receive messages when the activity level of the nymph stage reaches a critical limit. A forewarned user is forearmed.
The Tick bite app provides valuable information in the form of text, image and video. Following these instructions, one can check himself/herself on tick bites, remove the insect, and properly treat the bite. With the help of the tick bite journal, users can keep notes about the tick bite and the effects of it. Users can fill in relevant input fields, make a report and show it to a physician if necessary.
To know more about RIVM, visit their website.
GGD AppStore: Tekenbeet
Lyme Centrum Apeldoorn: Voorlichting
Travel Health Clinic: Een teek? Pak hem beet!
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RIVM: RIVM start Week van de Teek met lancering app Tekenbeet
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DTT blog: Pearls of media coverage
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DTT blog: DTT Multimedia aanwezig op RIVM Innovatiedag
DTT blog: Tick bite app nominated for accenture innovation awards
DTT blog: Tick bite app on iphoneclub.nl
DTT blog: Tick bite app number 1 position in the app store
DTT blog: De Volkskrant: "Tick bite app, app of the week"
DTT blog: RIVM Tickbite for iPhone
DTT blog: RIVM Tick bite app on Android
DTT blog: Sending press release about the app is fruitfull