NSI is a closed-end real estate firm listed in the AMX (MidCap) index. NSI was launched on March 1, 1993 and since April 3, 1998 NSI has shares listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.
For NSI DTT developed an Android tablet app that speeds up and simplifies the work of NSI staff and tenants. Using the NSI app the landlord and the tenant can go through and fill in necessary (digital) forms needed for entering into or terminating a lease. After completing and signing the relevant forms, the landlord and the tenant receive a signed copy of the report in the mail. At the termination of a lease the landlord can load the previous agreement from the server. Thus the landlord can monitor agreements made earlier, read changes in the meter and check the key list and the shortage list.
All documentation edited in the NSI app includes a project number, date and time and is stored on a central server environment. This ensures that the landlord always has the most current information about the renter and the property.
Visit their website to know more about NSI.