On behalf of the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK), DTT developed the HHNK Schoon Water Facebook game. HHNK is a Dutch water board based in Heerhugowaard. Every day, from Amsterdam to Texel, the HHNK puts effort in to protect the country from water, nuisance, water shortage and to purify water. The HHNK Clean Water game is part of this effort, as it is being used as part of an awareness campaign. With the HHNK Clean Water game players have to choose what goes in the toilet and what does not, thus making the player more aware of what may and may not be flushed down the toilet. The HHNK Clean Water game can be seen as a type of Fruit Ninja game, but then with toilet paper, tampons and cigarettes instead of fruit.
By increasing awareness of what may and may not be flushed down the toilet, everyone contributes a little to the water purification process.
DTT blog: Welcome Dutch Noorderkwartier Water Board
DTT blog: Now live: The HHNk Clean Water game