HG Shelf Information System (SIS) | DTT
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HG Shelf Information System (SIS)
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HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

HG Introduces Shelf Information System - in short, HG SIS. The tablet lies on the shelf next to the HG products in all sales points worldwide. Consumers enter the cleaning problem and the app immediately gives the appropriate HG solution. Consumers take the product from the shelf and happily set off. All tablet content can be tailored individually by country, language, chain, store or even shelf. It is manageable by HG (and the retailers themselves) through their own CMS.

For HG SIS, we have technically challenged ourselves. For example, the app supports several ways to keep global content up to date. The HG SIS tablet can be set so that it automatically performs automated updates via the CMS. The updates can be done via Wi-Fi or the LAN cable. This allows to manage remote HG updates. It is also possible to manually perform an update of the system using a USB stick, which contains the required data.

What else? The app "knows" if the user is around. When a visitor comes near the tablet, HG SIS closes the screensaver and opens the welcome screen in the app. Ready, set, go! You will not have to wait too long. In order to provide faster user experience, the tablets are updated, processing large amounts of data and storing it on the device.

Apart from HG SIS, we have developed other products for HG, such as HG order portalHG order appHG sales app and HG webshop

In-house distribution
icon-image-tablet icon-image-tablet
Function Hi HG! - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Hi HG!

An impression of the result with HG

Function Intelligent installation - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Intelligent installation

Step one: HG sales employees install the app on location.

Function Settings summary - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Settings summary

Set SIS to your preferences.

Function How to start - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

How to start

Press the start button to begin

Function Where is the problem? - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Where is the problem?

State the location of the problem

Function For example: in the kitchen - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

For example: in the kitchen

The kitchen is not clean anymore? See the solution to the problem

Function Provide details - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Provide details

Enter the specifications for a more accurate solution advice

Function Tailored advice - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Tailored advice

The app will show the exact product suitable for your case

Function Play video - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Play video

Pictures speak louder than words: watch the video!

Function This is how your product works - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

This is how your product works

HG leaves no room for misunderstandings.

Function More information - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

More information

Read all the information about your product

Function Location on the shelf - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Location on the shelf

HG has many products in its portfolio. See here where your product stands.

Function Product Finder - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Product Finder

Find the product in the product overview

Function Log files - HG Shelf Information System (SIS)

Log files

Check the file that keeps track of all the activities of the web server.


Johan G. Gelderblom, Director Finance, Administrative Organisation and Information Technology


"We were looking for a specialist, that could guarantee speed, transparency and quality of service and product and think along with the client! DTT has managed well to deliver the first project, a sales app for our international branches.

We decided to give our second project, a web portal for our international customers, to DTT as well. I am curious whether DTT will manage to succeed here. After all, as they say "You're only as good as your last game", so you have to prove yourself over and over again!

Project 3 (a second Sales app) and project 4 (a complete new website) are still on the drawing board, so .......!? "

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