Check your safety app | DTT
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Check your safety app

Hybrid – iPhone – iPad – Android – Tablet – API – CMS

Check your safety app
Check your safety app icon

Check your safety app

Hybrid – iPhone – iPad – Android – Tablet – API – CMS

Check your safety app overzicht

Delivery: 2017, quarter 1

The Check your safety application aims to improve safety in building- and cleaning projects. The app will help employees do and document the mandatory security protocols (such as LMRA, TRA and RI & E). It is done in a simple, fast and efficient manner. This leads to a reduced number of accidents on the workplace. 

However, should an incident occur in the workplace, the user of the application can report the incident immediately. How? For example, by uploading photos, a description and the location of the incident. Check your safety app has solutions for any emergency. In the app, the user follows a roadmap of the appropriate coherent actions. What else? The app can determine the meaning of symbols, in case a user does not know what a symbol means in the working environment which is very efficient.

The solution is designed so that it can easily be converted to organisations' own corporate identity.

Check your safety app description
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Function Tutorial - Check your safety app


With the tutorial, users can quickly learn how to make their workspace safier.

Function Login code - Check your safety app

Login code

The app has a personal login per employee.

Function Check: LMRA - Check your safety app

Check: LMRA

Important roadmaps should be completed before employee starts working.

Function Check: TRA - Check your safety app

Check: TRA

Important roadmaps should be completed before employee starts working.

Function Check: VGWM - Check your safety app

Check: VGWM

Important roadmaps should be completed before employee starts working.

Function Report incident - Check your safety app

Report incident

Has something happened? THe user can handle the situation with the "report incident" functionality

Function Emergency - Check your safety app


Act quickly on the basis of roadmaps for each situation.

Function Safety rules  - Check your safety app

Safety rules

All rules on one convenient page.

Function Symbols - Check your safety app


The user can look for all possible symbols he encounters at the workplace.

Function Search for symbols - Check your safety app

Search for symbols

If you found an unknown symbol, you can easily find its meaning with the symbolchecker!

Function Safety habits - Check your safety app

Safety habits

All information about (possible) habits and their impact.

Function Push notifications - Check your safety app

Push notifications

The user can get relevant messages with the push notifications.

Function Multiple languages - Check your safety app

Multiple languages

The app is available in several languages including Dutch, English and Turkish.

Function Tutorial - Check your safety app


With the tutorial, users can quickly learn how to make their workspace safier.

Function Login code - Check your safety app

Login code

The app has a personal login per employee.

Function Check: LMRA - Check your safety app

Check: LMRA

Important roadmaps should be completed before employee starts working.

Function Report incident - Check your safety app

Report incident

Has something happened? THe user can handle the situation with the "report incident" functionality

Function Emergency - Check your safety app


Act quickly on the basis of roadmaps for each situation.

Function Safety rules  - Check your safety app

Safety rules

All rules on one convenient page.

Function Symbols - Check your safety app


The user can look for all possible symbols he encounters at the workplace.

Function Search for symbols - Check your safety app

Search for symbols

If you found an unknown symbol, you can easily find its meaning with the symbolchecker!

Function Safety habits - Check your safety app

Safety habits

All information about (possible) habits and their impact.

Function Push notifications - Check your safety app

Push notifications

The user can get relevant messages with the push notifications.

Function Multiple languages - Check your safety app

Multiple languages

The app is available in several languages including Dutch, English and Turkish.

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