Spreading tourists across the capital with a smart app
Spreading tourists across the capital with a smart app
As we all know: the Amsterdam city center is busy, very busy. The municipality focuses on progressive measures in various areas, such as reducing pollution and creating more space on the streets. Residents and entrepreneurs were also able to propose their own projects for co-financing themselves. Guess what we did?
As an Amsterdam app developer we also decided to take part in this initiative. We have developed a mobile solution the I amsterdam Maps & Routes app which will allocate the tourist pressure from the center. We were insipired by Hoes - a geocaching app where the user leads his way through the city by answering questions and playing games. Thus, the user navigates to well-known and less known attractions. If the user is within 30 meters of a landmark he will get access to a certain challenge. The information and challenges are in the form of a video, audio file, or a quiz game.
Advertentie Uitkrant: I amsterdam Maps & Routes
A-mag: On the app
Kompas Regiokrant: App verspreidt bezoekers over stad
Noord Amsterdams Nieuwsblad: App verspreidt bezoekers over stad
Emerce: Lancering Amsterdam Discovery Challenge app
Amsterdam Uitkrant: Amsterdam Discovery Challenge (juni 2017, pagina 6)
Zie Oud Zuid magazine: Discovery challenge app
Wij Noord Holland: Amsterdam Discovery Challenge verspreidt miljoenen bezoekers over stad
Pretwerk: Gaat het lukken om toeristen Amsterdam te spreiden met een wandelspel-app?
Computable: App moet toeristen verspreiden over Amsterdam
Gemeente.nu: Nieuwe app verspreidt toeristendrukte over de stad
NRIT Media: Amsterdam Discovery Challenge verspreidt miljoenen bezoekers over de stad
DTT blog: GPS app solution for Amsterdam city
DTT blog: For the record: Amsterdam Discovery Challenge app is live
DTT blog: Press release: Launching Amsterdam Discovery Challenge app
DTT blog: Discover ARTZUID in the ADC app
DTT blog: Milestone ADC: 100+ active countries
DTT blog: DTT featured in iTunes
DTT blog: Featured in iTunes: I amsterdam Maps & Routes
DTT blog: Promotion video I amsterdam Maps & Routes
DTT blog: DTT over the world